
Lord Slayer Game profile


Jul 31st 2011, 16:17:21

Ok, lets talk strait FACTS.

Fact 1, Effective retals are getting more land then you lost. That is a pretty common thing. Any retal done that gets more land then the LG is an effective retal. If you would have lost land, this could be the case, but no matter how you look at it, gaining 1 acre would have been an effective retal, and the only way DR's would stop you getting at least 1 acres, would be if the DR's were so much, that it killed the country.

2) You were the ones who Killed 2 members. You killed 2 members of FBI for a DHELD. Don't you think that was a bit over reactionairy? Retal each of them once, I think would teach a mighty fine weapon.

3) Tag killed FBI 2 sets ago, when you blindsided them? HRMM If memory serves me correct, MKR also got tag killed in that fight...

4) You well over reacted to get yourself killed. Did you do this to play the bully card? Try to Rally people to help you kill the Evil doe'ers of WoG and FBI? I'm hoping so, because We really do like a fun fair, even matched fight. I hate fighting ankle biters. Maybe you can get stones to help.

Edit from here down because I thought of some more facts!

5) You killed 2 FBI members who DR'd. We attacked those who attacked them. You said you were only going to hit the people who attacked you, yet you killed 149, who if you look at his news, Never made an attack until the attacks were made on him.

6) Zen gave me Tyisa's panties as reward for posting this week! That is the best fact of all.

Edited By: Lord Slayer on Jul 31st 2011, 16:24:17. Reason: Thought of more fact
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