
archaic Game profile


Aug 5th 2011, 19:45:48

If mehul had actually played the old game a little more, I suspect it might still be thriving. Instead he took the deist 'disinterested clockmaker' approach and his creation foundered when it found itself an unloved burden to its creator.

There are a couple of mods I like, most I am disinterested in, and slagpit. As much as he irks me with his belligerence and puffery - I can not even conceive that he cheat. Why would any of them even consider cheating at something that they have poured so much of their energy into? Talk about fluffting in the nest, THAT would be fluffting in the nest.

At the same point, how arrogant is it to suggest that after all the work they put into building this playground that they should not be permitted to have a turn on the teeter-totter for themselves.

Shame on you for your thinly veiled insinuations Earl, shame on you.

Edited By: archaic on Aug 5th 2011, 19:48:25
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Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov