


Aug 8th 2011, 5:27:44

Ok, so you start your post essentially saying you were trolling...nice touch there N3.

So your view of government is they do things for the right reasons and a businessman won't. Please tell me, what is different about a politician and a CEO? A politician can be bought by lobbyists for all sorts of special interests. They can FORCE their will upon you where a business can only ask you participate. Government is a monopoly where business is not. Essentially they are the same, but you just cannot figure it out. Government no more looks out for the people than any other group does. I think you should reread some history before you come to that conclusion.

You claim inflation is measured solely by GDP lol. Your numbers are incorrect however. He left with 70% debt to GDP ratio, but alas real facts won't get in your way I'm sure. In fact I posted up an excel sheet awhile back showing exact numbers from the government website. I'll use 2008 numbers since 20 days won't make the difference.

GDP:14.394 trillion
Debt:9.98 trillion

So, lets do some math 9.98/14.394=69%

Care to try again N3?

You do realize that they didn't pass a budget, but they passed cuts on the budget. You act as if spending cannot happen without an actual budget and yet here we are, without a budget and spending more than ever. So Obama proposed 3.7 trillion in cuts(mind you not actual cuts, just cuts on the 8% increase that automatically happens). Ok, so lets figure out how those cuts will go down(if they even happen).

Baseline budgeting means we have 8% automatic increases in spending each year. Our 2010 spending 3.456 trillion.

Lets lay down that baseline for each year now, which is what we are following.


Lets add that up. 54 trillion in spending. Now Lets give our politicians the benefit of the doubt here and say that aren't complete idiots. The 10 year estimation is closer to 46 trillion so I will use that. subtract 3.7 and we have 42.3 trillion in spending still. That is in the interest of working back towards a balanced budget? An 8% cut on the total spending after the aggregate baseline yearly 8%? No, obviously he isn't even attempting or the democrats would have done that prior to this whole mess when they had control of both houses. Republicans didn't either, but there is far more dirt on the hands of democrats.

You can stick to no references N3, but don't expect your lies to live out.

Edited By: CKHustler on Aug 8th 2011, 5:32:29
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