
NOW3P Game profile


Aug 8th 2011, 5:05:51

Sorry CK, the Tea Party just really isn't worth any more brain cells to insult for me. I really hope after reading my post that intelligence wasn't the first thing you thought I was after...

We trust politicians over privatization because some things done in a society should not be done with profit as the over-arching goal behind them. This is a concept lost on many, but vitally important to any functional society - even the founding fathers that the tea party claims to be channeling are on record as having said exactly that.

So far as the debt issue, without adjusting debt to a percentage of GDP, it's a rather pointless conversation. We could easily carry 14.6 or 23, or even 100 trillion in debt if our GDP was high enough to repay that debt. In the case of Bush The Younger, our debt was 92% of our GDP the day he left office - which, I think you'll find, works out to approximately 13.53 trillion dollars....

Regarding the budget - FY2012 budget will not be completed until September at the earliest, and budgets are done and redone on an annual basis - please provide a link regarding what you're referring to. Currently, President Obama is proposing 3.7 trillion dollars worth of spending cuts between now and 2020 in the interest of working back towards a balanced budget, and has not officially signed any significant budget increases thus far that I'm aware of, so I'm a little lost as to what "budget" you're referring to. Perhaps a spending plan or budget forecast? I hope you're not referring to the recent debt ceiling increase, because then we're just done with this conversation....

PPPPPS - I don't provide references because I can't be fluffed to. This is AT, not a college composition course. If you think that alone is an indication of "talking points" or lack of intelligence, I'm guessing Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann will be a painful disappointment to you in the long run.

Edited By: NOW3P on Aug 8th 2011, 5:38:48
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