


Aug 8th 2011, 12:57:25

Oh, I see N3, you are now moving the goal posts.

"In the case of Bush The Younger, our debt was 92% of our GDP the day he left office - which, I think you'll find, works out to approximately 13.53 trillion dollars...."

Ah yes I remember those good ole days with Bush in office last September. *Rolls eyes* Before we move to Obama, who's budget did Bush sign? Republicans last budget was with a 171 billion deficit. I know your bent on giving democrats credit for everything whenever possible, but they drove that conversation and congress has a larger part to do with the budget than the presidency, especially when both houses are with the same party.

So, lets talk about what happened for the first 20 months Obama took office. Would you say he had anything to do with the spending increase? Is Bush now on the books for Obama's stimulus plan? Is he held accountable for the spending Obama pumped into the economy? If your telling me Obama added nothing to this presidency until October 1st 2010, well, lets talk about that then.

Concerning the budget. How about we debate the budget we are operating under right now? Oh wait...we aren't. See, there are no references because democrats refuse to submit budgets. Well not true, Obama submitted a 3.7 trillion(did you notice the budget forecast amount) budget that was rejected 97-0. Sounds like he is really pushing for a balanced budget. If you want to have a gotcha type of conversation, perhaps we can start one of those?

If you want to debate fantasy we can N3, but it is much more fun to debate reality. Perhaps I should just wait until someone else comes on here that wants to do just that. As it stands all your points are in wonderland and there isn't any reason I should waste my time on that.

Edited By: CKHustler on Aug 8th 2011, 13:20:30
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