
afaik Game profile


Aug 23rd 2011, 9:27:02

I think I can explain what's missing here, bear with me ;)

your weapons tech affects only the "maximum allied support you can receive", it does not improve teh effectiveness of that allied support. Govt bonus is the same.

e.g. you send 100 jets and your ally has 1000 jets, no weap or govt bonus. your ally will support with 25% of their available mil, or 100% of your attack strength, whichever limit is reached first (so 100% of your attack). So equiv to double, your total attack equivalent is 200 jets.

in teh same scenario, if you have 150% weap bonus, but otherwise the same conditions, your allied support maximum limit, will be calculated after weap tech is applied (your attack strength, rather than mil numbers sent)

as you can't take 25% of his mil again, you receive 2 x your total attack strength, so 1.5 (weap) x 100 (jets sent) x 2 (max allied support) = 300 jets.

in the event that e.g. your ally had 100 jets too, both examples would be limited by the 25% support first, so in each case he would send 25 jets (your own attack strength would still be increased by the weap tech, so the examples would give 125 first, then 175)

so, unless your ally has enough mil to more than double your attack strength, I dont belive weapons tech or govt will affect the allied support.

Edited By: afaik on Aug 23rd 2011, 9:32:59
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