
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 5th 2011, 14:39:11

they absolutely have ties... members of those alliances have access to the admins while playing there and should be aware of the policies regarding attacking admins for playing...

such as when admins are playing, attacking their admin'ing for things they say/do as players isn't cool. Admins don't get to use their admin powers to help their alliances, so they shouldn't be attacked for things they do as admins when they are simply trying to play like the rest of the server.

this is something I told to LaF all the time while I was there (telling some of them outright to not attack the admins for their adminning, only for their playing, even if they felt like they were being picked on) and something I've consistently told PDM while playing there. I did damage control to get LaF'ers to stop attacking admins for their mod/admin actions (hi forgotten and SS!) and allowed them to be banned for it but apparently flaming admins for their admin actions is a one-way street to some within evo.

do you guys in Evo not get that?
that's the glass house I feel you are constantly throwing rocks within.

keep the playing and the adminning separate -- the admins do, I wish others would too.

however, if it's easier to avoid threads like this by simply deleting + banning every post I see which attacks admin'ing (which is what the actual policy is) then I can start doing that.

I'd MUCH rather debate ingame things with you guys than have this same stupid debate because some folks are too blind to see the difference between what is done in the interest of the game and what is done as a player.

Edited By: Pang on Sep 5th 2011, 15:03:14
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