
NOW3P Game profile


Sep 13th 2011, 18:25:40

I think generally Minnesotans do alright - the only folks I really take issue with are the ones in 4WD/AWD vehicles who think that because they can get up to 60 miles an hour means their vehicle can handle at that speed if they need to do something other than go in a straight line.

Funny story...

about 12 or 13 yrs ago, I had just bought my first brand new car at the beginning of winter. It was AWD, a 5 speed, and had snow tires on it, so it handled pretty dang well in the snow as long as I was careful. In early December, I was coming around the S-curve by my parents' house that splits off into 2 separate county roads, and a guy in a 2500 HD comes around the corner in the opposite direction going WAY too fast (even without snow). Of course, he lost it, spun 180 degrees, and side swiped me pretty bad (bad enough neither driver's side door would open). The first thing out of his mouth when he popped out of his truck was "Well Jesus Christ, I had the fluffing thing in 4WD!"

I'm still not sure how I didn't lose it at the guy for trashing my brand spanking new car, but at least I got him for 8 grand worth of free repairs. Although I would have rather have not driven a fluffty ass Mitsubishi Lancer as a loaner for a month while they were done...

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 13th 2011, 18:29:54
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