
NOW3P Game profile


Sep 15th 2011, 20:51:42

Wait - does he have Aspergers, or was he Autistic? I know it seems like a finite difference, but in the scope of the judicial system, it's a very relevant one. One = incompetent to stand trial in most cases, and one = competent to stand trial in most cases.

Frankly, I hope this leads to a precedent being set in a lot of places. I think the internet can tend to bring out the worst in people, and in a lot of cases it's very easy to cross the line due to the dehumanization of our communication. I'm not saying that anyone who trolls a forum, facebook, or online chat should be locked up. I am just as guilty, if not more so in some cases, of casting the occasional troll - but there have been plenty of documented cases where this type of harassment has very literally ruined lives, and I think there needs to be a recognition of that in judicial systems.

Had someone done the same in a more personal context, they would have very likely faced charges for it, and I don't think that it happening online should make the situation any different. Of course, this particular situation is a bit special, but I am speaking in a much more general sense than any 1 situation.

Some states are already making moves to introduce laws and legislation to curb this issue. In South Carolina, it is illegal to use a Telecommunications Device (e.g. the internet) with Intent to Annoy, Abuse, Threaten or Harass, and I think we will continue to see this trend spread. Obviously, definitions are still rather vague, as last I checked it's not illegal to simply annoy someone - but attempts at structuring these laws are aimed at deterring and punishing extreme cases like this one.

I agree with Patty that it's up to the sites themselves to regulate their users, but at the same time I know that giants like facebook don't have the resources to pay attention to every single user and track their activity. I also know that sites like facebook have to walk a very fine line between allowing free speech, and moderating conversation.

My fear is that in the future, stuff like this will become the cause of suicides rather than the result. There's already been a few instances of it, and there seem to be more and more every year. I don't approve of suicide in any circumstance, but I also don't approve of intentionally and maliciously pushing someone to that point either.

Edited By: NOW3P on Sep 15th 2011, 21:17:33
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