Sep 17th 2011, 2:05:25
Not sure if anyone even knew, but iZarcon has added 2 game rooms to the IRC server ( Theres the ever popular UNO card game in #uno and Werewolf (aka Mafia) in #werewolf.
A quick rundown of how they work:
#uno :
!uno to start the game. !unocmds for the list of commands.
#werewolf :
!themes for themes. !start <theme> to start game (at least 5 people needed to play). There's other commands, but the game bot will explain. It's pretty straight forward.
A quick rundown of how they work:
#uno :
!uno to start the game. !unocmds for the list of commands.
#werewolf :
!themes for themes. !start <theme> to start game (at least 5 people needed to play). There's other commands, but the game bot will explain. It's pretty straight forward.