
TheVoices Game profile


Sep 17th 2011, 23:09:28

Allow me to preface this by saying that Crest23 is basing this off of something that happened to me in Express. It's irritating, but I'm not terribly upset.

That said, I do feel that GDI protections could be tweaked to better provide protection for netgainers while still leaving plenty of room for decisions to be made about the necessity of such protection.

It is really easy to game GDI, and force a netgaining player into a situation where they either cannot retal hits against them for fear of being suicided on, or force them to forsake their netgaining by necessitating a preemptive suicide. That isn't right.

I understand some people think this is a war game, but what exactly is the point of GDI if it is so easily circumvented, or even turned into a liability?

Originally posted by crest23:
Country A is in GDI.
Country B is not.

Country B hits Country A, 500 A
Country A retals Country B, 900 A
Country B RoR Country A, DH
Country A retals Country B 1200 A

Country A gets ABed to the ground by Country B.

Country B hits me for 500 A, and generates one GDI authorized counterattack.

COuntry A (me) retals. The counterattack charge is consumed regardless of DH or success.

Let's suppose I DH the first retal, but I am insistent upon getting my land back. Or perhaps it was a topfeed, and I want to try to enforce a L:L policy- I retal again, and forsake my GDI protection.

Alloting a GDI protected country one counterattack per attack against them is both fair and reasonable. A player should not have to be forced to part with their land, or preemptively suicide because someone is trying to game the GDI protection.

Edited By: TheVoices on Sep 17th 2011, 23:12:59
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