
NukEvil Game profile


Sep 30th 2011, 15:38:18

Originally posted by ebola:
Well, generally when somebody breaks pact (leaving aside what happened), the alliance that feels let down does something proportional to how bad the violation was. Not get some lapdog to do it. Surely EVO must have countries that could have done this as well...
Guess SoL urgently needs friends.

Yes, we do have countries that are capable of doing what dagga has done here. However, Evo's pact with LaF has stipulations of what happens if something like this were to happen between the two alliances. In this case, if Evo were the agressors, we would end up paying several dozen billion dollars worth of reps.

However, since SOL made the hit, it depends on the pact that LaF has with SOL. And, IIRC, the pact between SOL and LaF has no stipulations for this situation. So, unless LaF and SOL works something out, all LaF can do is uphold SOL's retal policy. Which, IIRC, is 1:1.

So, since LaF are currently in the process of not following their end of the pact with EVO, let's all wait and see if LaF are willing to also scrap their pact with SOL.

P.S. I typed all that on my phone during a boring meeting, and my thumbs got tired before I could type everything I wanted to type. So, here goes:

AFAIK, Evo had nothing to do with the grab on hanlong's country. I say "AFAIK" because I am not in leadership, nor do I even have admin site access on Evo's site or here. Hey, not my fault that certain people can't keep their mouths shut, amirite?

Edited By: NukEvil on Sep 30th 2011, 15:49:58. Reason: clarification
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