
NukEvil Game profile


Sep 30th 2011, 16:56:56

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
There is nothing to follow in the pact with evo.

The country was untagged. We may be responsible for his actions for 72 hours, but that doesn't mean that he is bound by our retal policies, or that they somehow apply to him.

We could have told you that ~2 years ago when Lens' detagged country was farmed by a LaFfer, and that LaF country was GSed to keep Lens from getting his land back. Your esteemed DON back then told us that by not paying reps, we'd be breaking the pact we had with LaF. So we paid reps because we wanted to still be friends with LaF at that time.

This situation is the exact same scenario (with slightly different events), except reversed. And LaF refuses to pay reps despite the fact their untagged country--still under LaF's responsibility--failed to follow Evo's retal policy. I do not have access to pacts, so I do not know what the pact says. I do know that if that pact does not have a clause that says "if you hit our detagged country, then we have no responsibility over that country", then, yes, you ARE responsible for the actions your detagged country took (within 72 hours blah blah). Also, if our pact does not have stipulations on what exactly the responsibility over detagged countries entails (for example, retals), then, yes, you ARE responsible for the 2 landgrabs your detagged country took outside the 48-hr retal window.

Remember, it is LaF that demanded we pay reps because one of those clauses wasn't in our pact with them. So if that clause still isn't there, then the responsibility ultimately falls to LaF, and, as a signatory of an unbreakable NAP with EVO, they therefore have an obligation to follow all the stipulations of that pact.

Edited By: NukEvil on Sep 30th 2011, 17:31:46. Reason: came out wrong...
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