

New Member

Oct 2nd 2011, 6:54:02

;) Good to see I can stir things up 6+ years and going. Go ahead and judge my 13 year old self, I make no excuses.

@Juggernaut: Not sure what I ever did to you o.0 (Edit: Ah yes, that NBK nonsense I see your contact info now)

P.S: NOW3P, how was it stealing all of my bootcamp threads and reposting them under your nick? I got quite the surprise when I saw copy-pasta of my content under your account name.

Edit: And there was another guy who got really bent out of shape, I think his name was Thunder? I have to say though, the cake of NA leadership was Morwen. What a piece of work (and by that, I mean total fluff). The two senate + llaar were fine but the rest of you guys were tools...

Edited By: DeathOnWingsDOW on Oct 2nd 2011, 7:12:44
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