


Oct 14th 2011, 5:45:27

January 24, 2041
Parishashabad, Capital of Northern Eurabian Caliphate State

PARISHASHABAD - Latest population figures put the population of Eurabia at 1 billion, a feat only achieved by two other countries in history. According to estimates by the UN, there were an estimated 400-450 million people in the Northern Caliphate Division, 250-350 million in the North African Caliphate Division, and at least 350 million in the Central Umaah. The population growth has occurred nothwithstanding a massive famine that has ravaged Eurabia for the past decade.

Despite the starvation of most of its people, the Caliphate has continued spending most of its funds on the military. On January 12, the caliph trumpeted out one of its regional militia leaders to discuss the topic of the importance of military.

"Throughout history, the Umaah has been measured based on its ability to conquer others. Muslim lands have never expanded without the sword. Just as Mohammed conquered Medinah, so shall we conquer Germany and Great Britian. Those infidel states have resisted joining the Great Caliphate. They have prevented the rightful settlement of their lands by our people. The wait of twenty years for a Muslim majority to emerge in Germany is far too long. Soon the missiles will rain down on their cities and we will march into their capital."

Stay tuned for the next newscast in late 2041

Edited By: Watertowers on Oct 14th 2011, 5:48:14
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