
gambit Game profile


Oct 20th 2011, 5:00:22

we tried to sign a pact with semper and they refused because they didnt want us to grab them at all... they thought that because they beat us last set that we would give in to their demands... so we declined the pact and took our chances...

as has been said, 8 grabs is the limit that we give our tag to hit another tag... this hardly ever gets close to broken except for maybe llaar this set, lol... i very rarely grab anyway, but if our tag has hit yours over 8 times in a 24 hour period, you are entitled to 2:1 for any hits over that, even if you are not pacted to us

as for focus and pan... we have no issues with either one of them, we just dont pact them because they self farm... i have suggested renewing our pact with focus for quite a few sets now... but we are sticking to not pacting self farmers... the only reason we warred either one of them is because it was early in the new ffa and we didnt have many options around our size because aodt disbanded, so we fought pan... then the next set we tried to challenge ourselves and took on pan/focus and also try to stop the coalitions from coming back

after that... then the remains of aodt/syn and some others formed cc and became a thorn in our side, so yes, we did hit them with a nice advantage after a couple sets of annoyances and fighting

but for the most part, we do our best to make a war fair... or even challenge ourselves to see if we can overcome the odds... we dont gangbang clans and i dont know how you could say we are when you are the one that FSed... whats sad is with your already huge advantage, you are doing your best to find someone to take out poor little XI just because they honored their pact with us

aqua, it has nothing to do with you leaving... yes some of us were upset that you would leave after all of these years just because nobody wanted you as pres or vp, but that isnt a reason to hold a grudge... i dont see how you can say that leaving wasnt your doing when you left even we i offered to hold a vote and give you the vp spot if you won

we did our best to restrain our members this set because a lot had posted about not being very active, so we held back the members that were itchin to war again... but make no mistake about it... semper has declared themselves a full out war clan, and we see you as such, because we judge by your actions, not your words

now screw you all for making me read this stupid thread

Edited By: gambit on Oct 20th 2011, 5:11:02
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