
anoniem Game profile


Oct 30th 2011, 18:25:11

archaic, you clearly are not interested in what anybody else has to say, which is why you are trying to twist my words. i said that it was attitudes ruining the game, so i'm not sure what exactly you are trying to get at, because it appears you are reading a completely different book to myself.

i used two points that are "quotes" of what pdm leadership have said on the forums to form an 'argument' against land-trading, which actually came in the form of questions toward pdm.

i also don't see why any person would advocate their own alliance getting fs'ed, in order to stop them land-trading. i have seen nothing that gives land-trading credibility, simply issuing some generic rhetoric about in-game mechanisms does not justify what you are doing.

if i want my alliance to have a retal policy of 1:kill then I have to justify it not only with in-game action but words. how can you even fathom changing people's opinions and making them think "actually pdm" have a point when all you have to say for yourselves is "fs us".

this conversation is childish beyond reason and i'm done with it for now, unless somebody actually wishes to have a discussion and answer the questions i put forward earlier.

Edited By: anoniem on Oct 30th 2011, 18:29:27
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