
Oceana Game profile


Oct 31st 2011, 22:10:01

You should have your money in a local credit Union anyway, they pay higher Interest on your account even if it seems an insignificant difference, and offer anything that the larger banks offer as far as services.

And regulations have been becoming loosened for years, and the Courts have not helped either.

But just a thought: if we didn't reattach the Banks with the Financial sector and undue most of the regulations in place since the Great depression would we be in the mess we are now?

Then the Bush tax cuts that un-did us actually paying off our debt, and going back to the Great drive toward bankruptcy, yes, I realize their was more towards the stupidty like the mass spending on new prescriptions plan for elderly, and expanding medicaid to cover more people, and yes 2 wars that had to be payed for. But hmmm if we undid the whole last 10 years oF Stupidity we would have close to a balanced budget right now even with the over 9% unemployment. And yes O'Bummer needs to go just wish their was someone running Worth Voting For, instead of getting the vote just to get rid of him. After all O only won cause People Voted to get rid of Bush, who wasn't /couldn't run and was leaving regardless.

As far as other problems like free trade, It works on paper , but not in reality as there is no such thing as free trade when we are not using the same Currency and Not living with the same rules and regulations, and enforcement of the same. what we currently have is nothing more then another set of rules bought by a select group to help themselves to expand their own wealth.

Edited By: Oceana on Oct 31st 2011, 22:15:51
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