
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 8th 2011, 13:28:50

AxA-- Was it or was it not a fluff move to use your tag jumpers? We let them live because, in my opinion, we were showing grace. I felt we should have killed them but our leaders said no because they were showing good faith that they would not jump back into this war. It's too bad you used KSF like you did because in my eyes it makes them look bad.

And one other thing, what was to stop you from contacting them when you saw how the communication was going on AT? You set back and watched it unfold then later say we could have contacted you... Just a thought.

You called LCN because you had no choice, I get that. We basically had you to the point of just manhandling you. I could care less if LCN kills us or us them, but what I don't like is the cheapness of the tag jumpers.

It is too bad LCN couldn't netgain this set, but it is what it is. At the end of the day PDM will always have fun playing: win, lose, or draw. If there is ever a time that I don't have fun I'm outtie 2000.

I'll see you on the battlefield.

Edited By: Requiem on Nov 8th 2011, 13:31:05
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