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Nov 10th 2011, 20:58:38

trumper: there is criticism and then there's just making things up... the reason it was all deleted was more because of the ridiculous circular arguments and the fact that what ironman was saying didn't align with LCN's actually beliefs more than anything else. in the end, this is a war about class and in the end it hasn't been PDM who are the ones doing class-less things.

we weren't going to need to expend turns killing those countries anyway... they went to KSF and said they were out of the war. the fact they self deleted now, after the war is more or less decided, is rather hollow IMO. In fact, now that I think about it, we already expended a LOT of our CM's on one of them who retagged mid-run. I don't think you can say it's a net gain to us in any way, it's most certainly a net-loss to us no matter how you slice it. 3 more countries that we would have killed early on (one almost dead) were allowed to stock for 3 more days and rejoin the war against us for a couple of days until the point where them being alive no longer made a difference to the war effort.

i don't understand why this took so long in the first place, since you're acting like it's a pretty open and shut case now.

Edited By: Pang on Nov 10th 2011, 21:08:50
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