
llaar Game profile


Nov 24th 2011, 4:32:06

buttons for:

explore turns + sell food @ going market order rate
explore turns + sell food @ stock price of 9999
explore all turns

tech turns + sell all tech at going tech order rate + buy bushels with max cash - 100 mill and sell all bushels for stock price of 9999
tech turns + sell all tech at going tech order rate + buy 100k troops, 100k turrets, 25k tanks

build all turns - 1 then sell food @ going order rate
build all turns - 1 then sell food @ stock price of 9999

just basically make things 1 click actions that would accomplish what you might want, the above are just some basic ideas to get started with. once ported to a touch only interface for like iphone, all turns should be able to be played in a few clicks

send attack @ this GS, lower by 5% every attack and keep attacking until i fail button

regain readiness via explore to within 4% of 100%
regain readiness via tech to within 4% of 100%
regain readiness via cash to within 4% of 100%
regain readiness via build most popular building to within 4% of 100%

speed things up...

Edited By: llaar on Nov 24th 2011, 4:34:46
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