
anoniem Game profile


Dec 22nd 2011, 22:18:09

Everything you add to the truth subtracts from the truth.

At least I stick to the same line. The reasoning for any of LaF'S actions change each time you or any of your members post.

Here's an idea. When you decide to lie - forward the memo to the rest, so at least you're on the same page.

Clearly, you are the one without a clue. Maybe you should take more time reading my posts, so that you can digest all the information and big words. I see Evo and LaF both had problems with PDM, one alliance solved it with a mutually agreeable pact and the other declared war on PDM. Refer to your archives to see more instances of the like, but don't go to far back - it gets a bit hazy.

If you were an EVO leader - you would have some integrity, and not hide behind excuses and deviations of the truth.


I proved the suicider on EVO a few sets ago was a LaF Head. Did they pay reps for that? Apologise? Boot him out?

No, to all of the above. I do wonder why we have these issues with LaF. lawlz

So, I don't think they'll ever apologise for the other stuff ;)

Edited By: anoniem on Dec 22nd 2011, 22:21:17
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