
mdevol Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 16:20:40

I didn't say you didn't fight fair... I said what happened wasn't a gang bang. What happened was 1 clan coming in after you hit 2 of them. THEN your ally came in and to neutralize your ally we brought in OUR ally of same # size as them. Not a gangbang. I love in your line of events (as with most of nbk) you causually omit XI joining as if it never happened to make it look like 4 on 1 as it was not until ante was forced to bow out after only a few days of action... it would have been 2 and some scrub restarts of a clan where the 2 still didn't equal your numbers. (Love that you guys lack the comprehension to understand that the make up of 2 or more clans does not always equal 1 mega clan) you called in a clan of 60 ish fresh war countries so we followed suit. Hardly a gang bang.

And as all but admitted, if you had imp or ely at your disposal you would have called them in as you cried and fluffed to tko to get ante out of it like you did.

It was not a gangbang. And for you guys to even think for a second semper was at full membership this set is laughable. You knew they weren't and you hit them anyways. So the "clan that beat us alone" argument is out the window this set as well. They don't have their leader and a few core member that took holiday set off and you can't blame them for that.

Edited By: mdevol on Jan 4th 2012, 16:28:21
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Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis