
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jan 11th 2012, 17:39:56

what happens when I just have all my countries start attacking an alliance as untaggeds?

what about cases where a single country needs killing in an enemy tag?

this is part of the reason we are yet to implement an official "clan war" system, because there are always ways to get around it or we create other tangential problems. making an official way to declare war has been discussed since the early days of this project, but there's always either ways around it or things that protect "sketchy" actions, or it just makes playing FAR too rigid (and this includes the implementation discussed above)

this should really be on B&S since any clan-focused system would be adapted for FFA as well, perhaps team but definitely Alliance and FFA, but I'm not going to move it because this general idea has already been presented there 3-4 times in different ways.

The biggest takeaway I have from running this game is that if there is a small hole to be exploited, it will be exploited to the utmost by someone when it is beneficial to do so.

Edited By: Pang on Jan 11th 2012, 17:47:44
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