
hanlong Game profile


Jan 11th 2012, 19:41:23

your logs have shown all we did was sign a pact with an "involved in a war" void clause.

one that i have used. if you want to provide more logs, i'll be more than happy to analyze it.

and actually, i didn't know that was LT's country until a few resets afterwards.

the reason why i farmed that specific country was because i got a text from bakku while i was playing LoL that there was land to camp (and as a techer he was done with land but was still camping the news, while i was a casher so he knew i could use more land).

i actually have a close friend who works at riot games, i can get him to show logs that i was playing LoL at that time too if you really want to look retarded.

i still have that text on my phone (i don't erase my texts lol), but i have to scroll back like 7 fluffing months though. want me to take a picture of it for you? you really are grasping at straws here... i believe there was also IRC logs (that i didn't log, but im sure other LaFfers have) of them seeing the news, realizing no one who was online had turns, and texting some of our top rankers to take advantage of it (one of them who was me). stop making up bullfluff stories KJ

Edited By: hanlong on Jan 11th 2012, 19:46:12
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia