
Xintros Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 15:30:28

I just heard about this on No Agenda last night. Information about this bill is here -->>

"What Can I Do About SOPA?

Currently Twitter, Google, Reddit, Kickstarter, Tumblr, Mozilla, Yahoo, AOL, eBay, Zynga, Facebook, and several other sites have spoken out in opposition of SOPA. If you'd like to as well, there are a couple of things you can do.
352,293 people like this. Be the first of your friends.

First, call your congressperson on the phone. This is especially important if you live in Texas, Michigan, Vermont, or Iowa. You can also send a letter to your congressperson by visiting the American Censorship Day web site. To activate the contact widget, you have to click the "Try it out" link that's wedged between two screenshots of a censored logo and the "Website Blocked" widget you're trying to open. This will provide you with a form and allow you to send a letter.

Second, get the word out. Post this article, the American Censorship Day web site, or any other information about SOPA on your social media accounts. Send emails to friends and family. If you oppose the bill, help others to understand why they should oppose it as well.

SOPA is on the fast track, so if you want to fight it you need to do so today. We do, however, recommend you get to know the bill so you you can make an informed decision regarding how you feel about it."

I'm wondering if by posting this I infringed on any copyrights?
"Post this article, the American Censorship Day web site, or any other information about SOPA on your social media accounts" nvmd :-P

Edited By: Xintros on Jan 13th 2012, 15:32:59. Reason: "Post this article"
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