
Monex Game profile


Jan 15th 2012, 21:57:38

Originally posted by Atryn:
Wow Monex, how narrow minded that is. It sounds like a "soldier" (quotes intentional) who is only concerned about his own ASS and not his country or the reasons we are there. To say that all that matters is that all the people around you who *might* be a threat are killed even if unarmed leads to killing of innocents which then increases the size of your opposition and enemies you will face.

The reasons we are there? What are the reasons we are there? Do you know? Were you blessed with this knowledge while watching the news or surfing the internet?

And as for my reasons… when I join the military at 17 years old I might have had idealist reasons for doing so but now almost 14 years later the only reason I am still in is to support my family, being it’s the only thing I know and there is not a very lucrative market in the civilian sector for what I do. If you think anyone who has seen combat cares about some politicians reasons for invading a foreign country you are sadly very naïve.

I have had the unfortunate pleasure to have spent most of my adult life in the fluffholes you are so valiantly defending and let me tell you there are no innocents in war you learn that the 1st time you are shot at 10 year old child with an ak-47 or a mother with an infant in her arms begging for help and food from these "soldiers" blows herself and her baby up just to kill some of these “soldiers” that you have such distain for. The next time leave your family and loved ones and come with me to go defend your country for these "reasons" that you speak of and you see what its really like. Then you can judge me until then keep you righteous bullfluff to yourself because you have no idea what you would do.

One more thing
Originally posted by Atryn:
So you like being shot at? Because apparently NOTHING is more satisfying to you that something that starts with being shot at. That sounds, again, like the "soldier" that is in it for entirely the wrong reasons.

I already told you my reasons for being in so when someone tries to blow my head off and they fail that is pretty fluffing satisfying being it means I get to return to my family which happen to be the only reason I do what I do in the first place.

Originally posted by Jiman:
This thread is really telling me the truth behind peoples names.
Some people I am proud to play with.
Others I am not only disappointed in but horrified to be associated with
Sickening attitudes.

If you are referring to me see above.

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
we'd actually expect it if we saw it coming from the Taliban. Our soldiers ain't suppossed to do that kind of stuff, they suppossed to be professional. hmm, maybe i've been reading too much of Tom Clancy's stuff. bullfluff.

That sentence basically sums up the opinions of most people who are "outraged" and "shocked" this type of behavior. All the people who preaching to respect all human life equally.... But behind all the self-righteousness deep down you consider them less human then us… modern day barbarian’s that should not be held to the same standards as our own because that kind of thing is "expected of them".

I personally have never pissed on an enemy’s corpse and do not condone doing it but if whatever they did in life was so monstrous that it warranted their body to be desecrated in death then I would not rule it out.

Let me pose this question to all of you. its abit off topic but it will serve for my point.

If someone raped and killed your wife and children, then tried to kill you but failed and instead you killed them. Would you want his body to be “respected” so that his friends that believed that he was right in what he did to your family can honor his memory?

Pain and MrCharcoal you views represent that of what any true American who has not been there themselves should be. You have the same views as my own but are less passionate about them which is understandable because you have no experiences of your own to compare them to.

But what do I know… I should be happy to leave my family and put my life in harm’s way and fight because some politician thinks it’s his responsibility to spread Democracy to a foreign nation that hates the ideals behind Democracy itself. If that’s not bad enough let me tie one hand behind my back with restrictive ROE that aims at minimizing “civilian casualties” so that the people who are burning the flag in protest of the war (that the “soldiers” themselves don’t support) don’t get upset and start to hate America more than they already do and elect someone who will actually get us the fluff out of the middle east and leave them to their own self destruction.

Edited By: Monex on Jan 16th 2012, 14:18:39
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