
Jiman Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 8:31:15

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Jiman:
Evo was beaten in TNW by Laf one reset becuase they decided to drop people from there tag. At best, people dropped from Lafs tag even when asked not too.

Evo pissed off from this, create country names bashing Laf.
Laf didnt like this, so they decided to FS evo. Evo felt that Laf broke a pact in doing so, therefor calling in two alliances to attack Laf. The entire reset becomes a kitchen sink attempt to see how many people can be called in and win. Laf 'side' wins.

The next reset, Sof strikes Evo for there own purposes seperate from Lafs before Evo could strike Laf.

Laf still fearing being hit because of a lack of an pact by SOL, laf hits them hoping to pre emptivily striking SOL from an apparent FS that may of been coming in the coming week (which isnt true, cause truth be told we were going for a mid set war and had no plans to touch laf or there allies).

SOL not wanting to war during the Christmas season as well as being overwhelmed, decided to CF within 12 hours time. SOL does not make a single hit against laf.

Laf being completely war prepped for the reset, and no longer able to net, hits evo with Rival. Rival hit Evo because Evo was apparently attempting to pick a fight with Rival and wanted to hit them. Laf wanting to protect an ally, decided to find a way to legally break the pact they had this reset to assist an ally who did not wish to war this reset.

This bothers me because of this WHOLE SUPER ideal that was spread from alliance leader to alliance leader this reset. Even wars. No gang banging. No wars that would make one side more uneven then the other.
I find that Laf did not uphold this honorable ideal this reset on multiple accounts.

Yes, Laf did win.
But at what cost?

(end rant)

thought that was pro Laf for awhile there :P

My only comment on the matter is a question for you. Would Rival vs Evo have been even? I very much doubt that. Evo also apparently wanted an unfair war. Earthgraphs tells me it would have been 51 vs 35. I'd rather his thread not succeed and get people arguing though so thats all i'll comment on :P

Is sol going to hang onto some top 100's Jiman? Noticed you guys had some there. Best "netting" set in EE for Sol? :P

Maybe Laf could of sent some countries over instead of using the entire alliance? Maybe a smaller ally could of helped Rival?
Just becuase making wars even in this game is hard doesnt mean we should just give up on it.
I think a lot of the game issues start falling back to the games population over and over again. Which means we as a community have to push harder and come up with new ideas to get past these issues that present themselves.

In terms of the netting set:
I screwed up my jump by not knowing that military bases makes bushles sale costs on private market fall. -_-

I think there are a few solers who know what they are doing. O:

Edited By: Jiman on Feb 1st 2012, 8:36:02
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