
SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2012, 16:38:52

Originally posted by Boltar:
Call me coward. That's ur choice. Hate me that's ur choice. To say I don't respect other people is dead wrong. First everyone complains u kill 5 man tags one by one. Now we take on everyone and be outnumbered u still complain. When someone else was the big dog no one complained as much and those people need cheese to go with the whine. What's fine for them isn't for us? I don't think so

Dude you are not outnumbered. Last night it was 40 TSO countries vs 49 unprepapred, unrelated and unorganized netgaining teams.

how the hell are the odds not heavily stacked to your favor?

Thats like me challenging 200 people to a bumper car battle and I show up in a M1 Abrams tank and just steam roll every one in sight....

Also none of the previous big dogs on the server ever treated other players the way you guys are treating the server.

I am 1000% sure that everyone who is not in TSO would be glad to have RD or WoG/FBI as the big dog on the server again instead of you guys. Atleast with us people could netgaining and play in peace.

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 2nd 2012, 16:42:12
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