
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 2nd 2012, 16:46:31

lol @ the spin in this thread :p

i stopped trying to make this server a better place by reaching out to the community when I was flamed for it to no end and every argument I had was just me vs 10-12 ppl spinning, while my buddies' posts were being deleted by other mods who didn't like LaF. I'm sorry that you realize I was right now that you're on the receiving end of the beats. I know it's not fun and that's why I want to find a better dynamic for this server to help it grow and attract new players.

However, if you want to talk about hidden agendas, ulterior motives and all that, you only need to look at the flaming responses and flip-flopping now that you realize what it's like to be kicked around. That's a big difference between me and the folks who flamed me before but are now championing what I said a year ago: I never changed my opinion, i was just flamed so much that I stopped wasting my time trying to influence the server's politics. Instead I just helped an individual alliance (PDM) that aligned with how I wanted more alliances to act. If I had really wanted to push my will on the game, I would have sat in a channel with qz+slag and thought up how we could fix the problem rather than reaching out. folks bit the hand that feeds a few too many times, so I stopped working in public and instead started talking to people privately.

I'm fine calling folks out on their bullfluff because I know if the shoe was still on the other foot and SoL was the top dog with all the political capital, you'd be 100% against anything that helps the server at the expense of SoL's agenda.

and to make it even funnier to me, I actually SAW all this coming -- the rift between SoF and SoL, the re-emergence of MD on LaF's side, LaF rebuilding and owning SoL. I didn't expect Evo to get involved though. My "hey let's all work together" posts were meant to build a better dynamic than just letting the same fluff slide back and forth every 6 months to a year. this is what we've seen -- the same crap, different direction. I wanted to break out of that pattern but the alliances crying out for "fairness" and "changes" today were utterly uninterested in them when the political environment favoured their agenda.

I'm sorry the fluff is now sliding toward your interests, but it's not a reason to change the game. If it wasn't a year ago, why is it now? because you're losing?

Edited By: Pang on Feb 2nd 2012, 17:12:02
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