
aponic Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 23:42:08

So my idea here is to give some perspective into the ideas of monetary reform by relating it to a reset in earth. I introduce a dilemma and make 3 suggestions on how to resolve it. There are obviously more than 3, and likely a near infinite amount, but I feel that these three cover a large amount of ground. Please participate and make suggestions, and most of all, choices!

First off, you are born into life not at the beginning but at a random time in the middle. We will begin our new country (our life) in the middle of a reset. Some countries are obviously massive in comparison to yourself and they generate an incredible amount more income. In reality, you could have a degree and be earning $50,000 annually while this other country is earning $1,000,000,000.

There are 1000 countries in this reset. Everyone has about 2,000 acres while the top 1%, 10 countries, (chalk it up to incredible skill or more likely inheritance and economic advantage from the start such as an alliance tag) have 20,000 acres. The top .1%, 1 country, has 200,000 acres. Combined, the top 1% produce 60% of the revenue/production in the reset and the largest country produces over 30% alone.

Vast farming is taking place. The smaller countries, 99%, are at a large disadvantage. The options are:

1. Kill the larger countries, this in reality would constitute world war and likely lead to a new elite rather than equality.

2. Continue being farmed with out retaliation or change and acceptance of their position within the reset.

3. A linear tax rate that decreased the revenue/production advantage of the top 1% but, unlike communism, did not ruin the motivation of individual countries to produce more.

Here is a description of a linear taxrate:
[quote poster=qzjul; 15115; 272358]

a linear taxrate of 30% @ 100k to 90% @ 1M with 100k exempt would mean that the following Income | Take-home | Taxes | Effective Taxrate would be like so:

Income Take Home Taxes Effective Taxrate
0 0.00 0 0.0%
30000 30000.00 0 0.0%
50000 50000.00 0 0.0%
80000 80000.00 0 0.0%
100000 100000.00 0 0.0%
130000 120700.00 9300.00 7.2%
200000 166666.67 33333.33 16.7%
300000 226666.67 73333.33 24.4%
500000 326666.67 173333.33 34.7%
800000 426666.67 373333.33 46.7%
1000000 460000.00 540000.00 54.0%
2000000 560000.00 1440000.00 72.0%
10000000 1360000.00 8640000.00 86.4%
42000000 4560000.00 37440000.00 89.1%
100000000 10360000.00 89640000.00 89.6%
1000000000 100360000.00 899640000.00 90.0%

I don't think the guy making 130k is going to be choked about paying 7% taxes; nor is the guy 1M going to be choked about paying 54% taxes; and the guy making 1B/year is probably not going to worry about taking home ONLY $100M

Edited By: aponic on Feb 6th 2012, 23:46:15
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