
OmarEVP Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 22:01:20

or he can hit someone else. if you look at all the multi tapping, you can always find a target that yields decent gains for low risk. if you complain well you have to waste 4 extra turns to make the 3 attacks to get 2k land versus the one big PS, you also look at that one PS country may be able to get up and break you, or may be more willing to ruin your reset because in their eyes your grab ruined theirs. its all preception.

and risk/reward, thats the main reason most of us play this game. its like rolling the dice every reset beacuse you dont know what to expect. its like craps or blackjack without the monetary exchange.

2012-02-05 12:14:24 PS Zhu Ge Liang (#206) Animosity (#113) 5028A (7348A)
2012-02-06 12:35:38 PS Animosity (#113) Zhu Ge Liang (#206) 2074A (3230A)

2012-02-02 01:39:05 PS Autumn On A Saturday Night (#81) Zhu Ge Liang (#206) 1230A (2171A)
2012-01-31 10:23:59 PS Zhu Ge Liang (#206) Autumn On A Saturday Night (#81) 3594A (5309A)

based on your theory, both these countries should have gone for round 2, because their gains werent even close to the losses, but neither decided to. its the inherent risk/reward where you can easily make up the difference grabbing smaller countries. you may burn a handful more turns in spy ops/attacking, but unless your a techer it should be irrelevent because every other govt produces income just while running normal turns.

once again, back to risk/reward.

i cant say one decision is more right than the other.

Edited By: OmarEVP on Feb 7th 2012, 22:03:57
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