
hanlong Game profile


Mar 12th 2012, 18:19:25

i still don't get your point.

someone else's grudges with a third party is not my problem, it's between those two parties. they should deal with it themselves and work it out. nothing i can do to change that. like i said, last time SoF attacked RD we were uNAP to SoF and FDP to RD, so really i don't see your angle here? SoF has uNAPped RD ever since we FDPed SoF so if anything, i think i helped calm down those grudges with some of my mediation efforts =) you can ask both mr. silver and helmet on this one, i've been trying hard to mediate between them so people won't hold long term grudges against each other (but old rivalries don't die easily, just look at evo/laf :P, sometimes they just need to fight it out)...

regardless though, i'm only concerned about people with grudges with us ;P i'm not the world grudge police :P you are free to be that tho anoniem if that's what evo chooses to be. i don't get exactly what you want LaF to do and what your point was, which is why i asked for your angle in the first place (other than to troll LaF for no reason as what you normally like to do :P)

Edited By: hanlong on Mar 12th 2012, 18:26:32
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia