Mar 19th 2012, 23:19:27
Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by JJ23:
my problem with crest, is his belief that hes able to exploit certain parts of the game to give himself an advantage (prearrange allies, set up a dozen or more NAPs with his buddies), whereas others cannot exploit other aspects.
also the hypocrital factor of him saying i shouldnt be allowed to leech but if say one of his buddies wanted to leech hed hook them up.
also the hypocrital factor of him saying i shouldnt be allowed to leech but if say one of his buddies wanted to leech hed hook them up.
I use prearranged allies. I do NOT set up NAPs. The only people I have knowingly NEVER hit (knowing it's their country of course) are Jackelope and KoH. I still won't hit them. Other people I wouldn't hit are people I know have the ability to be able to retal and break me. There are country names I have learned to avoid hitting because they have shown in the past to carry heat and will burst a head. If I knew JJs country would I hit him? No. Seth, no. Tduong, no.
But we can go on and on about this beating the dead horse. Fact of the matter is, whoever wins next set, if it is me, blid, oldman, Rob, you will NOT see shady play. IF it is JJ or Seth, guaranteed, shadiness.
Are Seth and JJ good player, yes. Can they win legit, no. Why? Because they haven't done so. At least not while I was around. If and when DR is fixed, Seth will go back to finishing outside the top 50 because he failed to build his house on solid rock.
With that being said, let's continue this discussion on the thread JJ made for me. I need it to get to 200 posts. I'm out.
but you hit me once, and failed. you messed up your calculations. i hit you back. got around 600A if i remember correctly. i could have waited and waited until you reached your 12-13k land goal, gotten some m.strat and then popped you for 1500, but i hit you when you were still sub 2M nw. if i rememeber you were 1.5M nw and around 5500A.
you then waited a day and retalled me again for 1k. stating that i did not lose much in your lg and therefore did not deserve a free shot. you also threatened that if i retaled your ROR, you would suicide me.
you and i BOTH know if i was the first to landgrab you and bounce, you would take the retal beacuse its a free way of exploiting the gdi benefit in a way to get land. dont deny it. because i can pull up resets in EEstats where you turned a failed hit on you into a huge gain. based on your logic and explanation there to me, you will never have my respect and everything that comes out of your mouth is c0ckfluff.
and i won my indy round with 0 tech leeches. it was right after that 33M rep. the very next reset. and i admitted i had one leech that set. i only had 2 tech allies that set, and the other was during my tech start (i have not run a cash start casher in express ever). that indy reset i had 0 leeches, won because i had 27k land by turn 1200 or so and back then no one would topfeed you. i ate a couple of chems from a guy i farmed relentlessly, and i think ate 1 or 2 retals the entire set. this was reset 55 or 56, before you even played earth. so with that being said, how would you know whether or not i had leeches or not? do you have the secret majic code that allows you to access countries from over a year ago? the mods cant even do that. what makes you be able to.
i have played probably 15 resets with you.. i know it seemingly seems longer, but after my wins i took an almost 1 year hiatus from earth. and recently returned towards the end of last year. it helps pass time. so you are right. i have not win since we have both played together. and you have won once, or twice, i forgot. if you want a cookie, go buy one. but the fact that you got people who wont hit you because of "respect" is an advantage. and i believe you on that you dont have predetermined NAPs about as much as you believe me when i say i dont cheat.
Originally posted by blid:
The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.