
JJ23 Game profile


Mar 22nd 2012, 12:55:34

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by Deerhunter:
as you know i have a war to fight this set. It requires the strongest of deff and intel allis. If you are interested please PM ingame with your country name and #. Vet players needed. Thanks.
this is nuts! if it's supposed to be a one on one war you shouldn't be looking for the "strongest" allies to help you out

rofl. is this kid for real. "strongest allies". DH, you would be the weak link still if both of your allies were missing an arm, leg, a portion of their rignt brain and had a patch over their eye.

Edited By: JJ23 on Mar 22nd 2012, 20:21:31
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Originally posted by blid:
The way my 30m got busted was the ultimate in nobility and self-sacrifice because I could have simply canceled the alliance but I was too big a person to do so.