
Hardy Game profile


Mar 23rd 2012, 20:29:12

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Trife:
My issue with 'global climate change' is that a 100 years worth of temperature data seems like far too small of a sample size given how long how earth's processes take.

We have like 400,000 years of global temperature data, due to isotope ratios in ice cores. We only have like 100 years of detailed local/regional coverage.

And I feel like what you said doesn't make sense - you say you are skeptical because there are very long natural processes, but the changes we see are very extreme and very abrupt. That should, by your reasoning, indicate that the climate changes are unnatural. =P

oh there you go, you just had to bring science into it!

i guess my thought is that with the ice cores, you can probably see the temperature changes over a good period of time... like you can see the change from 400,000 to 399,000 years ago - who knows if 100 year spikes/dips took place within those 1000 years. (edit: dunno if that makes sense to anyone else, but im sleepy)

but now trying to put how i feel about GW into words makes me feel like i'm just putting my head in the sand on this subject. hrm.

whatever. titty sprinkles!

Antartica ice cores, due to low snowfall, will dish out information in intervals of a few centuries.. At the North Pole, on the other hand, since it snows much more, the data are in intervals of about 50 years.. The problem is the deeper you go, the less accurate the information is.. naturally..

And XiQter, you are right about the Oceans.. And regarding the permafrost freezing, it has already begun.. Methane bubbles are pouring out of bogs near Alaska and Yukon...

The Earth has regulators which, despite how much fluff we cause to the planet, will eventually bring itself back to equilibrium.. The problem is we are inputting more CO2 than these stabilizers can actually remove... I mean the planet recovered in a short time (if you consider the Earth is 4.6billion years old) when that meteor hit and killed off all the dinosaurs..

Just wait until Yellowstone erupts again, then you can really see the effects of global warming.. Most of the US will be covered in volcanic ash, Pierce Brosman Volcano-style =/.. Only this time the dog won't make it :(

Edited By: Hardy on Mar 23rd 2012, 20:32:40. Reason: damn typos
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