


Mar 29th 2012, 14:14:10

Originally posted by Alin:
The remaining LCN originals were left alone because they were killing their countries alone ( no need our help).

Producing nothing/tech at low price; having - 3000k or more expenses is a good method to break your country efficiently just by playing turns. You had enough for breaking for a short period, lack of stock/oil and future :).

That`s mainly the reason why you were left alone and instade your buddy with 300 mil / day production was chosen.

If you like to buy military up to max ( mainly for defensively reasons) is your problem, but don`t come here and tell us that your strategy is better than ours. Because it isn`t | - *|.
( and the war outcome pretty much tells everything - if you don`t belive me ).

P.S: there were enough solers that had enough stock to break your country - just they didn`t top their military in order to loose 3-4 mil / turn.

I never said my country or strat was better than anyone elses. I was responding to numerous ingame messages, mostly from DH, telling me how much I sucked, how much my country sucked and then he decided to come to AT and same pretty much the same thing.

And honestly, I dont think I ever reached losing $3 million a turn. I'm not a novice at this game, nor am I stupid when it comes to warring. My country was far from broken.

But whatever :P

Edited By: Ruthie on Mar 29th 2012, 14:18:40
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