
Wat3rBaRr3l Game profile


Apr 18th 2012, 17:02:35

To reiterate what Anon has said. This is DC's stance in the words of Jax45:

When we get hit by countries that are too strong for us to retaliate against, we will do the next best thing and get our land back from weaker countries (preferably in the same clan). I realize this is not a generally accepted way of dealing with things but we feel that their is no other valid way to handle it without getting ground into dust.

The bottomline is that rather than retalling the appropriate countries who grabbed them, DC proceeded to 'retal' other random Evo countries. True these can be considered grabs, but when you have their Foreign Affairs say this is their way of retalling us back, it is not acceptable to us.

The reason why we contacted them is to make clear the baseline rules of the server. The rules (tacit or written) of which are meant to help stabalize this server. Jax45 was given a chance to explain himself and he made it clear DC was not going to change its policy. So when diplomacy fails, the next best thing you have left in earth is to resort to military force to remove the immediate threat. Evo was gracious to give them a chance to explain their position. However, we were not prepared to go the extra mile to help them 'learn' at the immediate expense of our other members. As many others have suggested, they can learn by joining a more established alliance first, and then branch out on their own. Ultimately, the highest purpose of the clan is to protect its members within ethical boundaries. Unfortunately in this case, this meant having to kill their top two countries to defend the immediate interests of Evo members.

This post should make clear that Evo leadership thought this through both ethically and strategically before we acted. There will always be differences in opinion as to 'the right way things should be done'. If you do not want to accept our stance, fair enough, the world isn't usually in perfect agreement.

Sure we have our 'bad eggs' who are farming them excessively, but they will have to bear/deal with the consequences themselves when they get suicided upon. The case of Biohazard IX that annon mentioned is a good example.

Hopefully with this post, you now have a better understanding of Evo's considerations. Peace out.

Evo FA

Edited By: Wat3rBaRr3l on Apr 18th 2012, 17:04:46
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