
hanlong Game profile


Apr 23rd 2012, 22:11:40

makinso has some memory loss apparently:

<Makinso> I can put in a 55 - 60 member SOL<Makinso> most likely
<@Arsenal> To my next point
<BattleKJ> Do you care about a 'fair' 1v1 with LaF or do you just want to kill them?
<Makinso> lol
<Makinso> I think the point is kill
<@Arsenal> We need a strong sense of LaF's current pacts and any long term pacts
<@Arsenal> To that end we need to quietly go about finding out their pacting situation with our allies
<@Arsenal> and Compile a list
<@Arsenal> MD will fight fair unless FS'd, in which case we may call in the political power.<Makinso> knowing hanlong
<Makinso> he'll try to end it quick
<BattleKJ> are you going to try pact up LCN?
<@Arsenal> Hanlong is so politically fluffed he has no idea.
<Makinso> if we have the oppurtunity to neutralize LCN
<Makinso> we should<@Arsenal> Yes I might KJ, I think LCN would jump at taking a uNAP right now.
<Makinso> they would pact us as well I believe
<Makinso> knowing we have a 3 set deal with LaF
<Makinso> :P
<BattleKJ> im fairly sure they would have pacted sol this set if you asked them
<BattleKJ> as evo kept on telling them to
<Makinso> I think we pacted

<Makinso> Honestly
<Makinso> anyone wanting a deal out of this
<Makinso> you should give
<BattleKJ> rival hit sol last set, and rejected our pact this set
<@Arsenal> Yea
<Makinso> the more you're able
<Makinso> to single out LaF
<@Arsenal> I'm not saying don't hit them
<Makinso> the better

Edited By: hanlong on Apr 23rd 2012, 22:14:13
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Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia