
hawkeyee Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 2:27:35

Originally posted by lostmonk:

I would love to know how all of you people are so ignorant about what the entire OWS movement is about.

Buddy. The occupiers themselves are ignorant about what the entire OWS movement is about. I've spoken to dozens of people who identify themselves as part of the OWS movement in Toronto and asked them questions about what it stands for, what their goals are, what system they'd like to see in place etc. and you get dozens of different answers. The only consistency is that what we have no isn't working. There's nothing close to a consensus about why it's not working or how to fix it. My problem with OWS is that it has no goal. You're complaining about our system. Fine. It's not perfect. There are classes. The upper class gets breaks that they don't need while the "middle" and lower classes pay taxes they can't afford. Fine. I'll grant you that. But pissing everyone off just to raise awareness about a problem isn't doing a god damn thing to fix the problem. All you're doing is alienating reasonable "middle" class people like me (a teacher) from supporting your cause. I agree with many of the arguments about our current economic system. What I disagree with is that we can fix the system by taking over public spaces and inconveniencing the very 99% that you claim to represent. You've identified a problem. Great. Now what's the solution? Ask 100 random occupiers that question and you'll get 100 different answers. Your "group" has no direction and no goal and I find it very hard to support something like that.

Edited By: hawkeyee on Apr 25th 2012, 2:30:32
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