
K_L Game profile


Apr 25th 2012, 17:19:09

What the hell?

First of may is about us normal working people getting a paid day off from work, and because of that drinking alcohol until all the misery from world is gone. A day when you don't have to put your alcohol to paper bag because streets are filled with jolly drunken people. You put on your old Student cap that still smells vomit form last year, when the tramp you laid in the romantic spring night shining in to the gutter, vomited in it the 5 litres of cheap champagne she consumed that evening. Party goes on for the night before and in to the day until the next morning when you have to somehow magically get to the work place. Three weeks after the engineering students that started to celebrate first of may the week before start to appear for all the places a man can pass out, ready to take the challenge of working trough the summer.

Occupy the bars!

Edited By: K_L on Apr 25th 2012, 17:21:11
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