
ClayQ Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 17:21:04

Believe what? That you think ABing is a valid tactic?
Irrelevant to the threads purpose. The entire point is, you've won do something with it, instead of just continuing to harbor grudge matches into the next decade.


I don't care about sol winning or losing, I may not have made that clear. I revealed that I'm a soler in the spirit of full disclosure. Not because I think Sol is right or Righteous here. I'm playing in SoL because it is where SiiC^K3nt played, and it is for SiiC^K3nt that I'm even playing this restart. The point being made is that, If you want change then take a risk and try to make it. If you don't want change then stop trying to hide behind propaganda and admit it, I told SoL the same thing the other night, and I got a less than desirable answer. In that they claim to have tried and got fluff on for it. Meaning everyone is claiming to have tried.

Fewer pacts, Fair wars (even if not arranged, SoL FSing LaF this set would have been much more fair and fun), Something. I don't know what that something is for sure, but I do know its not whats happening now.

Edited By: ClayQ on Apr 26th 2012, 17:27:39
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