
Pang Game profile

Game Development

May 3rd 2012, 4:08:56

So I want to take a second to discuss this and the other several dozen statements like it because I think it may not have been clear in our initial post on the subject:

Originally posted by Scorba:
It's also certain that other countries besides Hanlong/TC's were being abused. I can't say with any certainty if they knew they were receiving extra/altered goods, but if things were done in small amounts then much would go unnoticed or be considered a glitch in the game as I also thought at first. I have no doubt there have been more altered countries that the ones that I know about.

That's incorrect based on the information I've seen. I haven't seen anything that says to me they went out of their way to edit countries (besides potentially their own). Knowing most LaF'ers and the LNU system that I designed, if it was done at all even sparingly it would have definitely been noticed by a teacher or strat-focused player. Adding even like 2-3 CS a day would be noticed by any of the teachers.

I believe the biggest transgression of the countries table was likely using it for free spyops; not updating it. When you update tables you're FAR more likely to get caught than just reading so I expect they tried to limit the risk if they updated the countries table at all.

The fact they got free spyops, or had the potential to, and finished 1-2 primarily because of their grabbing clearly invalidates their top finishes, in my opinion. This also means that the gain from the ops weren't available to other LaF members.

The idea that every LaF country is not legit just doesn't make sense and as someone who has had omnipotent access to LaF until I joined PDM they do indeed have the skill to put up 20 better countries than MD's top country. Having the knowledge of MD's schedule combined with better playing skills is like giving New England Patriots a defensive playbook and gameplan a week before the game. There's a good chance they'd win without the advantage; with it there's not way you stand a chance.

This isn't meant to be a apologist post, but we released this information as a community service and I feel that it's a disservice if it's being misconstrued.

Edited By: Pang on May 3rd 2012, 4:11:11
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