
TheORKINMan Game profile


May 4th 2012, 19:31:55

...and I seriously hope Ivan gets his faced ripped off my a chimpanzee but you all are part of the reason I think one day Pang/qzjul are going to lose it and just delete the game.

The political posturing around an event which has serious implications is absolutely retarded. Rather then just continue to pick on SOF I'm going to articulate what is wrong with all of you:

1.) Alliance members are always ignorant of what's really going on because alliance heads work backroom deals in +s IRC rooms where their true intentions are laid out. Then a carefully constructed spinning of the facts if crafted to fit their objectives after the fact(or they flat out lie to the general public)

2.) Evo - Seriously guys. You are running a showboating victory lap about LaF getting re-re-re-re-exposed. Meanwhile everyone fully expects you to get caught doing some pretty shady stuff as well and I'm inclined to believe at least some of the accusations against you are true based on stuff I've seen.

3.) SOL - You guys are massive hypocrites in your moral outrage at LaF as it compares to your attitudes towards Evo.

4.) SOF - Back in the day SOF would just do the right thing and not be worried about SOL/Evo or whoever targetting them after LaF went down. SOF would have had the attitude of "come at me bro" instead of propping up a cheater alliance because of politics.

5.) You all are apparently fighting proxy wars between two groups of unethical players and you either don't know it or don't care because the most important thing to you is your side "winning"

6.) Most alliances handling things "behind the scenes" or staying quiet about it is bad for the game. The LaF situation should be apolitical considering what hanlong and TC did was basically a crime and a violation of the privacy of every single player and forum user.

Edited By: TheORKINMan on May 4th 2012, 19:49:32
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