
crest23 Game profile


Jun 4th 2012, 12:18:02

Originally posted by Warster:
this is not JJ.

and thats all i'm going to say on the matter.

I think Warster can take this back.

Here's my reasoning. It can only be 3 people. tduong, Seth, or JJ.

1. Tech leeching isn't Seth's style, he has his other account running farmland for him and giving him DR. Although he went from playing in GDI to outside GDI to prevent deletions so he might have changed tactics again.

2. tduong disappeared shortly before Berkowitz appeared though that was more likely because he wanted to shed the embarrassment he displayed on the Alliance forum telling us much like JJ does about how freaking rich he is/was. Still could be him though, he might have taken the time to thnk up something.

3. JJ is well known for his affinity to leeching, he can't really do anything if it does not have to do with leeching. The fact that he picked that name means a lot cause he looks like David Berkowitz and aspires to be like him in his dreams. Allso, since he was now from the looks of it, permabanned, we know he really needs to post on the forum as he has like 5 or 6 forum accounts already.

So I will go with drum roll,... JJ.

The only problem with this is we know that JJ is a fool, so how long before he slips up as he always does?

Edited By: crest23 on Jun 4th 2012, 12:26:27
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