
de1i Game profile


Jun 15th 2012, 14:14:18

IMO I feel that the idea behind the 72 hr responsibility is as a courtesy to your allies not the person leaving your tag.

Your tag helped that country grow and should it detag and suicide (without 'just cause' within 72 hours) so you should be held to a certain limited responsibility for it.

That responsibility does not/should not apply to any incoming hits that country receives, because the reason for it's detagging is to sever all relations with your alliance and part of that is your tag protection. Whether it detagged itself or you detagged it is a moot point.

Now who should be held accountable if it suicides a country or tag that had grabbed it (multiple times or even one) after it detagged is a whole different story but I don't think that has much to do with the question you had.

Edited By: de1i on Jun 15th 2012, 14:30:08
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