
anoniem Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 20:00:15

Who remembers when SoF started catching up in nw to Evo (cos LaF were FAing the fluff out of them)? I seem to remember that nw gap being demolished.

So, anything can happen. Who knows maybe we had our own hanlong and TC hacking your websites giving us your war keys etc? Maybe we had 10mil troops?

Heck, maybe we've been doing all of the above for 1-2 years? But, our leadership and membership are too fluffing dumb to realise.

Maybe we have allies that will turn a blind eye? (for a whole 1-2 years)

Maybe we'll start a coalition with the worst of the cheating scum from E:2025/EEmpires, because we are sooo desperate for a victory?


Edited By: anoniem on Jun 21st 2012, 20:02:31
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