
lostmonk Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 15:10:24

Originally posted by ArsenalMD:
Originally posted by TheMatrix:
Originally posted by Sov:
Because LAF was caught unprepared with no turns saved and no war prep against an enemy that had full turns saved and achieved a 10 kill lead on the first day not to mention enough saved turns to deliver an additional lead on the 2nd day.

That is not an even war despite what the country numbers say.

You should answer questions on your sides behalf more often. A spin-free, honest answer.


Welcome to how the rest of us have felt, LaF and her allies always one step ahead of the rest of us - never being on an equal footing in any war because of the inside information gained and shared by LaF leadership.

Least this advantage was legitimately gained and to be fair legitimately countered by calling in. (Cowardly though in my opinion).

I don't know if I would agree with the cowardly part on calling in SoF. It truly did make for what was turning out to be a fun war before RD showed their true colors.

Edited By: lostmonk on Jun 22nd 2012, 15:17:07. Reason: Whups
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