
T-irol Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 15:17:05

went away for a weekend came back to 'stuff'.

Yep, middle console, proper napster. Funny how youtube HQ rips are even faster and better sounding these days and totally unmolested by the gov't. Short cuts on the system tray were winamp, zone alarm, icq, napster and two things I can no longer identify. Windows 98 maybe?

Listening to a mislabeled Veruca salt song at 12:34am CST wondering if If a 19 year old boy could be anymore cool probably, heh.

Think this is a version of an ICQ e2025 war chat. Constant drops, people couldn't see each other, really was like some ancient mode of warfare.

Edited By: T-irol on Jun 26th 2012, 16:18:33
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