
Monex Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 15:18:27 very impressive, down side to it is that it’s unofficial and user based much like Wikipedia. Although you were only trying to troll me I will take time out of my day to educate you so you can be a better troll in the future.

If you are going to base your talking point on a dictionary should use the Merriam-Webster dictionary the online version is free and more accurate the The downside is in the U.S.A., “Webster’s” is a term available for any dictionary publisher. In other words, there is no single “Webster’s” dictionary, and without further specification you cannot determine which “Webster’s” is being recommended. To avoid misspeaking with 100% certainty I would recommend you purchase the Oxford English Dictionary(OED), I will say with 99% cerinty that there is no other English dictionary in the world that can compare.

Unfourtionaly I let a friend borrow my copy of the OED and it was never returned. So for instructional purposes only I will use the Merriam-Webster online dictionary I mentioned above.

noun \krü-ˈsād\
Definition of CRUSADE
1 capitalized : any of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to win the Holy Land from the Muslims

2: a remedial enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm

Definition 2 fits perfectly with my original post but I will gladly provide you with a few more definitions if more clarification is needed for the “big words”.

adj \ri-ˈmē-dē-əl\
Definition of REMEDIAL
1: intended as a remedy
2: concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil's general competence <remedial reading courses>; also : receiving or requiring remedial instruction <remedial students>

noun \ˈen-tə(r)-ˌprīz\
Definition of ENTERPRISE
1: a project or undertaking that is especially difficult, complicated, or risky
2: readiness to engage in daring or difficult action : INITIATIVE <showed great enterprise in dealing with the crisis>
3 a : a unit of economic organization or activity; especially : a business organization b : a systematic purposeful activity <agriculture is the main economic enterprise among these people>

noun \ˈzēl\
Definition of ZEAL
1: eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something : FERVOR <her zeal to succeed strained her relationships>

\in-ˈthü-zē-ˌa-zəm, en-, also -ˈthyü-\
Definition of ENTHUSIASM
1a : belief in special revelations of the Holy Spirit b : religious fanaticism
2a : strong excitement of feeling : ARDOR <did her work with energy and enthusiasm> b : something inspiring zeal or fervor <his enthusiasms include sailing and fishing>

Note definition 1 of enthusiasm, By your logic to be enthusiastic about something means you are a religious zealot.

I hope you found this educational and it enhances your ability to troll in the future..

I have asked Assassin to come along and confirm as well as correct my spelling and punctuation.

Edited By: Monex on Jul 1st 2012, 15:27:53. Reason: quote no worky
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